DH Meters Ltd.

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EML 1/2 Euro Coin Meter

Product Code: Emlite 1/2 Euro coin meter

Application of Emlite 1/2 Euro Coin Meter

The Emlite prepayment coin meter works with 1 and 2 euro coins only. A coin value is set to a specific cost per kwh and once the coin is accepted the remaining credit value will decrease as electricity is used. A digital display indicates the amount of credit/time remaining. The grey button beside the digital display also allows the user to scroll through the readings on the meter. Removal of the coin box allows the programming of the meter using the two grey buttons A and B. This allows the meter to be set up to work on consumption or to work on time.

Technical Parameters of Emlite 1/2 Euro Coin Meter

Specification EML 1 & 2
Accuracy Class 1
Voltage 240V
Frequency 50Hz
Current 100A
Active 1000imp/kwh
Display LCD

Dimensions: W=280mm x H=208mm x D=95mm.

Terminal Size: 8.5mm diameter.

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